Working with cotton rope
With this new article, I thought I could speak about my baskets and my work with the cotton rope. Last autumn I decided to use the rope and the dye process as my main medium to express myself. With this I can use colours and textures to make a shape that I love to watch and create indefinitely: circle. There is something smooth and calming in this shape. It is also the feeling to be contained by softness.
I have tried to make square basket for example but I felt very distant with this shape. Whatever I start a 3D or a 2D project, I will make circle, spiral and curve the rope. The motion is as enjoyable as the result. From the incubation process that can last months to the moment I hold the final object in my hand.
For now, in 2023, I made 122 objects with rope: Baskets, bowls, vessels. Those as displayed in 3 collections : Elegant and Useful , A Hebridean Dye and the last one “ A sinuous Dance”. This last collection is following a different route as its items are currently available in only 2 galleries on the mainland : The Alchemist Gallery in Dingwall and Ceard Gallery in Ullapool. In July and August I will introduce them myself during the Open Studio Hebrides taking place for 2 weekends.
A first glance could let you think it is a basket because of its round and containing shape but I prefer to see this as a vessel. The Sinuous Dance is an artistic exploration. It is about modelling the material to create a ensemble and wake up a sensation by looking at it, touching it.
But for now let’s speak about the baskets. There is currently 13 difference designs. In the collection Elegant and Useful, each design is named after a plant I affectionate. The Hebridean Dye’s one are named after a place for which I have good memories here in the Outer Hebrides. In this collection there is the Tolsta Basket. I do not record it as one design as, every basket as its own size and volume.
I can’t say one design is more popular than another one as each of my customers have already a special story with their choice when purchasing one or many of my products. Something that is common for all of you is your happy surprise about the robustness of the baskets and the intriguing way of my skills to make such an engaging shape that makes all of you wanting to touch them, to feel them. And I am so happy you feel this. For me a successful basket is the one that create a visual and tactile interest. It is what makes their beauty.
Sometime I hear feedback from you about your use of it, the pleasure you have to see it everyday and by the description you give me, the smile on your face and in your word, it is obvious you completely adopted this new addition in your home and I can picture it. It is is unique gift you make to me.
Thank you for telling me your story. Thank you for being part of mine.