The Practice of Other Form of Art
Today, when people ask me what I do for a living I answer without hesitation that I am a Textile Artist and a Tour Guide. If the second one is easy to understand, the first job requires more time to explain. For the last 3 years, I was trying to explain what I was doing, nearly apologising I couldn’t say what it was, what I am. Since I am a child I’ve always been doing and making stuff with things. I followed painting and drawing lesson for 8 years, and I practiced clarinet on a weekly basis for 17 years. During my free time I also experimented play dough, sewing, embroidering, stabbing nails in wood, learnt how to use a drill, a saw etc … , I had access to a variety of techniques and tools and I was curious and full of ideas. For years, it was hobbies. Then I decided to create Dragons Are Real. After 3 years of explorations and tests, I am settling in the textile and plant dye activity. I use fabric, rope, threads and plant to create.
If it became my job, however I haven’t abandoned my other hobbies. I am still making and crafting during my free time and for personal projects. Currently, my relaxing time is made of:
- Knitting, I have a jumper in progress on my needles and already the wool for the next one;
- Photography, more and more I take my camera with me and practice a point of view on the world throughout the lens;
- Sewing, I have fabrics to make 2 shirts, a pair of trousers, a top and maybe a dress or a jumpsuit;
- Renovating Chairs, I love painting with bright colours, repurpose and give a new life to old furnitures;
- Jewellery, these last 2 years I have gathered material to make necklaces mixing beads, wood, pottery;
- Embroidery, I am sure this year I will have time to reopen my embroidery loom and test some of the projects I have in my Pinterest boards;
- All the rest, my studio is full of things I have collected along the years (and I took with me when I moved in Scotland) because they have potential. I just need longer day !
I can’t limit myself to one technique, one type of material. Colours and textures inspire me constantly and I like to have this choice. Depending my schedule, my mood, my energy I will knit, or paint or read a book ! Art and craft are not just a job they are also a way of life for me. Probably one day I will include some of these techniques that I use only in my hobbies in my work with Dragons Are Real, I am fully open in my professional activity, about its evolution. It is a beautiful feeling to have all these resources around me.