Logbook October 2020

Logbook October 2020

Hello, hello ! 
Last time I wrote the logbook was … 3 months ago ! But, what’s happened ? Well, so much, where can I start ?

Between reading the full series of Harry Potter’s books, managing the garden and the invasion of earwigs, the launch of new products in September and simply take time with my friends who were visiting me during the sunniest (and with the most midgys) week of the year …. well summer was gone !

And the rest of the time I worked of course. In July, Jayne invited me in her lifestyle coffee shop The Blue Lobster in Stornoway where I displayed my dragons, fairies and others goods made with love. It was my first public appearance and I loved it. I hope to renew this experience.

July was also the month I launched the Hebridean Sea Shore Basket and I want to thanks all of you for your enthusiasm. It was quickly out of stock. Two of them are currently available at the Empty House Trader in Stornoway. Oh yes ! Since August, you can find my products in town with other local artists and makers.

This summer I was also busy testing some patterns for a french brand but I don’t tell you more about it for now…. But I’m looking forward to show you this.
If you follow me regularly on Instagram, you’ve seen the 2 new products arrived recently: The Fantastic Playmat and The Fantastic Playmat. They are part of a collection called “Once Upon A Time”. My main goal with Dragons Are Real is to develop and offer good quality material of game for young children. This collection is an invitation to imagine, create and dream…. I hope you like it.

October is already here and surprisingly this year people are already thinking and speaking about Christmas. Nooo, it’s too early ! Please don’t tell me you have your tree ready in your living room ! We just passed Mabon ! Autumn is a lovely season with warm colours and I welcome it with pleasure but … yes… I’m also preparing Christmas and a surprise is in progress ! I hope to tell you more early November.

Enough writing for now, I share some photographs from this summer !

Take Care,

Mathilde and the dragons x


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