Logbook June 2021

Logbook June 2021

Hello Friends,

Dragons Are Real is a succession of adventures since its creation and it is really exciting to discover all the possibilities it can bring. One of the goals of Dragons Are Real is to use sustainable resources to sew and make the goods.

  • Reuse fabrics from old clothes or projects, 
  • Use leftovers of fabrics,
  • Use organic cotton fabric certified GOTS and made in Europe as far as possible,
  • Use what I have in my stock as far as possible before to buy again.

I have decided to challenge myself by ensuring consistency in my principle and won’t buy anymore fabrics for the end of the year 2021. I will keep going to create and make with what I have in my stock and believe me, I have treasures.

Challenge 2021 : How to keep going to create using my stock of material before to buy again? 

1- Sewing activity produce waste : empty reel, thread and fabrics cutting …Among the fabrics, some are still usable for little projects : Last spring I made bundles of fabrics you can purchase at The Empty House Trader at Stornoway. Could you be interested to purchase some of them on my online store ?

But still, part of these leftovers are useless … Well useless maybe not ! It’s about one year now I keep all of this in a big box waiting to be, one day, illuminated by a good idea ! I think this day is coming and by the end of the summer I will be able to present a new product for the house

2- To make the Lotus Mat, I use a high quality organic cotton wadding. Of course, the shape of a Lotus left a lot of wastes too…. New toys are coming for the end of the year and it includes also my other passion !

3- Use this opportunity to re-think the design of existing product and adapt them with the available resources.

I propose to you to follow me in this exciting journey and we will see together where imagination and creativity will bring us.

Have a lovely week,

Mathilde and the Dragons. 

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1 comment

I really admire your hard work and commitment. I wish you luck with your projects.x


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