Growing Colours

Growing Colours


When I want to dye a material, I use the plants growing naturally on the island or my cooking “waste”. Last year I bought seeds to grow my own colours. Gardening is a challenge of mine in our fully exposed and not very fertile soil. It requires a lot of work to bring back life and maintain it.

This year I had the joy to see the cornflower and coreopsis thriving in the garden. At the end of the season I will have probably enough to make only one batch of each plant. Every flower is precious and harvested with care. I have also in mind to make my own paint with these plants.

Summer is for growing, harvesting and drying plant. I have good hope I will spare enough time in the autumn to experiment with all of this.


 coreopsis in my hand

Coreopsis in the garden


Calendula in my hand

Calendula in my garden


Cornflower in my hand

Cornflower in my garden


Woad in my hand

Woad in my garden


Marigold in my garden


Buddleia in my garden 



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