A glimpse of what’s going on, behind the scene

A glimpse of what’s going on, behind the scene


What a strange time for Dragons Are Real. I have the feeling to stand between two worlds. November is here and from now I am going to post about Christmas, about gift ideas and dates of The Craft Fair where you can find me.

Their won’t be new products added to the shop for this year but it doesn’t mean the studio is asleep, oh no. I am preparing the new chapter of Dragons Are Real and I though you could like to have a glimpse of what I am doing. I am not revealing what is going on, just enough for you to wonder.

In the dark light of the autumnal Outer Hebrides, the rope is dyed, the rope is shaped, the rope is in transformation.

detail of 2 baskets

detail basket

detail basket

rain on the window

detail basket

As I told you, just a glimpse, there is so much coming …

Mathilde & the dragons

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